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Hi, 👋 I am Anas

Web Developer Animator/Video Editor UI Designer

Based in Karachi, Pakistan &
serving clients around the 🌎

open to remote opportunities


Showcase of
Select Projects

Companies I helped with solving there need from Web Development, UI Design, Animation and etc

Premiere Solutions

Premier Solutions is a cost reduction company. Savings experts with one motivated agenda: To help companies pay less, avoid false expectations, being overcharged for their services, and put through a stressful time-consuming process.

I was asked to create a new customer facing website, I designed and developed there website, client was happy with how the website turned around.

Services Provided

Website Design
Website Development


6ix Inc. is a startup that designs, develops, and ships software for the financial industry. I worked with there internal team and provided a number of services from designing landing pages to developing and shipping it to client websites.

I also helped them with creation of videos for there clients ranging from informational to regular webinars they host, also helped them with creation of HTML5 ads for there clients marketing efforts.

Services Provided

Website Design
Website Development
Video Editing / Animation


6ix Inc. is a startup that designs, develops, and ships software for the financial industry. I worked with there internal team and provided a number of services from designing landing pages to developing and shipping it to client websites.

I also helped them with creation of videos for there clients ranging from informational to regular webinars they host, also helped them with creation of HTML5 ads for there clients marketing efforts.

Services Provided

Website Development


Hands On experience

List of tools I use to provide solution to variety of problems clients have.

Outside Work

When not working

Interests outside of work (not in any particular order)
Occasionally write
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